Friday, October 1, 2010

Tortillas de Maíz Verdes y Chalupitas (Green Corn Tortillas and Little Chalupas)

Even though we've already had a "how to" on Tortillas de Maíz (Corn Tortillas), I'm introducing you to "Green" Corn Tortillas (Tortillas de Maíz Verdes).

These are essential for the next dish, which will be a Caserola de Enchiladas Con Tortillas de Maíz Verdes. That's right, I said Enchilada Casserole with Green Corn Tortillas.

These tortillas are wonderful with a crisp spinach taste. That's because you use Spinach to give them their wonderful green color and great taste! If you have someone in your family that does not eat spinach... this is a great way to "fix" this leafy vegetable and add it to your diet.

The intensity of the "green" will depend on whether you use canned or fresh spinach. The canned spinach will give you a drab olive green color to your tortillas. Fresh spinach will give you a bright vibrant green color. Use about 14 to 16 ounces of the the freshest leaves. A fourteen ounce can of spinach will yield about the same.

These are great in enchiladas, chalupas, quesadillas. Let them dry out for about a day and they also make great home made "chips!"

For this dish you will need the following tools and ingredients:

A large Mixing Bowl
Dry Measuring Cups
Liquid Measuring Cups
4 Cups of Harina de Maíz  (Corn Masa Mix)
1  10oz Can of Spinach or 14 to 16 Ounces of Fresh Spinach
4 Cups of Water or Chicken or Vegetable Stock

(NOTE:If you use Chicken Stock or Vegetable Stock do not add Salt

1 Tblspn Sea Salt
A Blender. (A submergible blender is best)
A Spoon for Mixing (Your hand works even better)
Wax Paper Squares
A Metal or Wood Tortilla Press
A Seasoned Griddle
A Spatula to Flip the Tortillas
A Tortilla Warmer

This recipe will yield from 36 to 40 tortillas

....Okay - Let's get started:

I have some of the ingredients laid out to start the dish.

You will notice that I use Maggi Chicken Flavor Bouillon to "make" chicken stock. It's a quick fix and this is why I don't use extra salt when I do this. Remember using FRESH spinach yields a bright green tortilla.

Here you will see the water at a boil in a pot, the Maggi Chicken flavored Bouillon, the can of spinach, and the submergible blender at the ready.

Once the water with the bouillon is at a boil, remove from heat, add the Spinach. Let it stand for about five minutes.

If you are using a regular blender, be sure to let the spinach cool for at least five minutes. More is better. If you put this in a blender and cover it before it's sufficiently cool, the blender top will blow off and you will have a nice mess to clean. Trust the voice of experience on that one... 

...This is why I like my submergible blender...

Continue to blend until all of the spinach is liquified.

Pour the spinach mixture onto the Corn Masa Mix and begin mixing.

...mix first with a spoon...

...Then mix with your hand...

(This is PURE therapy!)

Mix until the masa comes together and forms a soft dough.
Not too soft; If it's too soft and sticks to the side of the bowl, add more Corn Masa Mix, until it's pliable and not sticky.

Remember the process of making little ping pong sized balls out of the masa? Well here it is again. Ready to be pressed.

Place a sheet of wax paper on the bottom plate of the tortilla press.

Place a ball of masa on the wax paper.

...Then place another sheet of wax paper on top of the masa ball and place the top plate over the masa and press with the pressing lever...

Ay Caramba! You now have a pressed tortilla ready to be placed on a hot griddle!

So what are you waiting for? Put it on the griddle! ...and don't forget to flip it!

Ay Caramba! That's a good lookin' flipped tortilla! See? That spatula comes in handy for flipping tortillas. My mom, my Nana, and my Aunt Beatriz used their hands to do that...

This tortilla is very happy! See how it's all puffed up?

Be sure to have a "tortillera" ready for keeping your fresh tortillas warm...

You now have these wonderful green tortillas to use in the next recipe...

I love to use these in a quick "bocadito" or snack. Little Chalupitas de Pollo con Queso. (Little Chalupas with Chicken and Cheese. You can substitute Ground Beef or Carnitas, (Shredded pork) if you wish. Another variation is roasted squash with onions and garlic. Is that good or what?

What are Chalupas? They are kind of like a  mini-pizza on a fried tortilla!

For The Chalupitas you will need the following tools and ingredients:

A 10" skillet for frying the tortillas
4 Tortillas de Maíz
A pair of Tongs
A ¼ Cup Vegetable oil or Lard for frying the Tortillas
1 Tblspn minced Fresh cooked chicken
1 Tblspn Shredded Queso Quesadilla (Cheese for Quesadillas)

Fry the Tortillas de Maíz until they are no longer "floppy" taking care to carefully flip them with the tongs often. Do not burn them.

When the Tortillas de Maíz are done, place them on paper towels to drain the excess oil or lard off them.

Do as many of them as you want for TV snacks... (Better than popcorn... and better for your teeth!)

Place shredded chicken, beef, or pork and then smother with your favorite cheese blend. Serve and enjoy!

... EASY...

So there you have it!

Enjoy your Tortillas de Maíz Verdes and your Chalupitas!


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